Βρείτε Σεμινάρια

Σεμινάριο εξ αποστάσεως

Defence Procurement Seminar

Διοργανωτής Σεμιναρίου E-Learning:
Εξ Αποστάσεως
Live E-Learning
17/3/2025 έως 18/3/2025
14:00 - 18:00
14:00 - 18:00Ημ/νία Λήξης: 18/3/2025


Tutor: Anestis B. Lelidis


Goal: The focus of this Seminar will be the interpretation and practical effects of the Directive 2009/81/EC (national legislation: Hellenic Law 3978/2011), emphasizing into Government-to-Government contracts within the field of defence sector. 

Περιγραφή σεμιναρίου


1. The big picture: Defence Acquisition vs. Defence Procurement

  • Acquisition stages/phases
  • Smart Procurement
  • Defence Death Spiral: A pattern approach for Ministry of Defence

2. Military Systems and Critical Issues

  • Military Systems Business Tiers
  • Life Cycle Cost (LCC)
  • Affordability: The new religion
  • Resilience: Competitive Advantage

3. Military Systems, Global Market and Defence Industry

Fortresses and Icebergs: The Evolution of the Transatlantic Defence Market

European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) and EU Member States

  • Priority Industrial Capabilities (PICs)
  • Hellenic Defence Industrial Strategy (1st Edition/2017)

4. Defence Procurement and EU: The legal framework

  • Directive 2009/81/EC – The objective of a more efficient and competitive defence and security sector through the close monitoring of the procurement rules
  • Field of application
  • Exclusions – The interaction of the Directive and Article 346 TFEU
  • Research and Development (R&D)
  • Security of Supply (SoS)
  • Security of Information (SoI)
  • Subcontracting
  • Offsets

Note: Using European Commission Guidance Notes (official papers) for the interpretation of the above concepts.

Additionally, for “exclusions” business cases will be used COM (2006) 779 – Interpretative Communication on the application of Article 296 of the Treaty (now Article 346 TFEU)

  • Hellenic Law 3978/2011 (Introduction – Special Issues – Amendments from Hellenic Law 4782/2021)

5. Government to Government (GtG) as an exclusion from Directive 2009/81/EC framework

  • Hellenic internal procedures for GtG
  • GtG and private sector
  • GtG and offsets

6. Defence Procurement: The tip of the Iceberg – Follow On Support (FOS) Contracts for Military Systems (platforms)

  • Critical Elements (Reliability, Maintainability, Availability Considerations in correlation with contractual clauses)
  • New concept: Performance Based Logistics (PBLs)
  • FOS contract model (General Terms & Conditions)
  • Negotiating with Governments (useful tips to negotiate more effectively)

Note: The structure (syllabus) of the above Seminar based on a bottom – up approach. We analyze distinguish characteristics of military systems (bottom) and through market (groups of demand) and industry (groups of supply/production), we explain the provisions of EU + National legal framework (up) / Public Contracts in the field of Defence and Security Sector. The training course will be conducted in greek and the seminar material will be in english.

Πληροφορίες συμμετοχής

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2 working day (4hours + 4hours)

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