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Σεμινάριο σε αίθουσα

PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP)

Διοργανωτής Σεμιναρίου:
12PM Consulting
Διεξάγεται και με εξ αποστάσεως παρακολούθηση (e-learning). Περισσότερες πληροφορίες

Σε ποιους απευθύνεται

Η PMI-ACP είναι ιδανική για όσους θέλουν να ξεχωρίσουν στον τομέα της διαχείρισης έργων, ειδικά σε οργανισμούς που υιοθετούν Agile προσεγγίσεις για την επίτευξη επιχειρηματικών στόχων.

  • Project Managers που εργάζονται σε Agile περιβάλλοντα.
  • Scrum Masters, Product Owners και μέλη Agile ομάδων.
  • Επαγγελματίες που θέλουν να εξειδικευτούν στις ευέλικτες μεθοδολογίες.
  • Οργανισμούς και άτομα που θέλουν να ενισχύσουν την προσαρμοστικότητα και την απότελεσματικότητά τους.

Προϋποθέσεις Συμμετοχής στην εξέταση PMI-ACP

  • Εμπειρία σε έργα: 24 μήνες σε διαχείριση έργων πάνω σε μεθοδολογία Agile την τελευταία πενταετία (ή πιστοποίηση PMP/CAPM).

Υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση 28 ώρες (minimum) από Authorized Partner


Οφέλη της πιστοποίησης PMI-ACP:

  • Παγκόσμια Αναγνώριση: Αναγνωρίζει την εξειδίκευσή σας στις Agile μεθόδους και πρακτικές.
  • Καριέρα: Ενισχύει τις ευκαιρίες εργασίας σε οργανισμούς που υιοθετούν Agile.
  • Δεξιότητες Προσαρμοστικότητας: Σας εξοπλίζει με εργαλεία για να διαχειρίζεστε έργα σε δυναμικά περιβάλλοντα.
  • Πολλαπλές Μεθοδολογίες: Δείχνει τη γνώση σας σε ευρύ φάσμα Agile πλαισίων, αντί να περιορίζεται σε μία μόνο μέθοδο (όπως το Scrum).

Περιγραφή σεμιναρίου

Περιγραφή workshop: Τι είναι η πιστοποίηση PMI-ACP;
Η PMI-ACP πιστοποιεί την εξειδίκευση στη χρήση Agile αρχών, πρακτικών και εργαλείων, όπως το Scrum, το Kanban, το Lean, το Extreme Programming (XP) και άλλες Agile μεθοδολογίες. Απότελεί μια ευέλικτη και ολοκληρωμένη προσέγγιση για τη διαχείριση έργων, εστιάζοντας στη συνεργασία, τη συνεχή βελτίωση και την προσαρμοστικότητα στις αλλαγές.

Η Πιστοποίηση PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) από το PMI (Project Management Institute) είναι μια διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένη πιστοποίηση που εστιάζει στις ευέλικτες μεθοδολογίες διαχείρισης έργων (Agile). Απευθύνεται σε επαγγελματίες που χρησιμοποιούν ή σκοπεύουν να εφαρμόσουν Agile πρακτικές στη διαχείριση έργων.

Περιεχόμενο workshop: Βασικά Χαρακτηριστικά

Learning Objectives
This instructor-led course is built around the following learning objectives, which are broken down here by domain:
Experiment Early

  • Engage in the process of early experimentation and building a product increment, conducting validation activities, and making informed decisions based on the obtained results.

Embrace the Agile Mindset

  • Express the core values of the Agile Manifesto and how they shape the guiding principles in adaptive approach frameworks.
  • Differentiate and use the various agile mythologies, showing how each aligns with the agile mindset incorporating unique practices.
  • Learn to apply the principles of systems thinking, specifically the Cynefin framework to classifying scenarios based on factors such as predictability and causality.
  • Recognize each classification of systems thinking, along with their associated risks.
  • Explain the output generated by agile suitability tools, along with an ability to evaluate the information and make informed decisions with it.
  • Describe common hybrid patterns and be able to use the information at hand to determine the most suitable hybrid approach.

Promote Collaborative Team Environment

  • Establish a team’s vision using agile vision approaches.
  • Be able to identify the phases of the Tuckman Model.
  • Identify the purpose of retrospectives in adaptive team environments with a focus on their importance and the conducting of an effective retrospective.
  • Recognize the purpose of collaborative practices, contributing to breaking down silos, promoting cross-functional teamwork, and improving overall team dynamics.
  • Discuss how to support team decisions by applying motivational theory principles.
  • Identify areas of strength and potential improvement in the team's knowledge of tailoring an adaptive approach in the context of agile principles and methodologies.
  • Define agile scaling and team synchronization, using one of the various inter-team coordination approaches.

Build Transparency

  • Implement effective communication strategies by applying the lean principle of “make process explicit.”
  • Express how each of the agile methodologies adopts shorter feedback loops.
  • Differentiate the types of communication and feedback mechanisms for colocated and distributed teams.

Foster Psychological Safety

  • Be able to define the foundational principles of psychological safety.
  • Recognize how fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging a learning mindset supports a psychologically safe environment.
  • Develop a recognition of the psychological safety continuum, with a particular focus on the final two stages—Contributor Safety and Challenger Safety.

Shorten Feedback Loops

  • Discern the importance of the customer in the development process.
  • Consider what constitutes value in project development, being sure to consider both economic and non-economic factors.
  • Understand the principles of Design Thinking and Lean Startup.

Embrace Change

  • Define and recognize the principles of a growth mindset.
  • Explain the Agile Manifesto principle “responding to change over following the plan.”
  • Describe agile team dynamics, with a focus on cross-functional teams.

Empower Teams

  • Recall the key concepts of transparency.
  • Identify the key elements of a product retrospective checklist.
  • Remember the key concepts in Lyssa Adkins’s coaching graphs and phases.
  • Identify the key components of collective empowerment.
  • Recognize the distinctions defined by Lyssa Adkins between training, coaching, and mentoring.
  • Describe the foundational concepts of emotional intelligence (EI), focusing on the key components related to empathy and social skills.
  • Understand the significance of non-verbal cues in team interactions.
  • Identify the key self-assessment tools and techniques used for team development.

Facilitate Problem Resolution

  • Discuss the key quality management tools and understand how to use them to create effective problem-resolution strategies.
  • Differentiate and use the various agile mythologies, showing how each aligns with the agile mindset incorporating unique practices.
  • Learn to apply the principles of systems thinking, specifically the Cynefin framework to classifying situations based on factors such as predictability and causality.

Promote Knowledge Sharing

  • Develop the ability to create an environment conducive to knowledge sharing.
  • Be able to effectively leverage organizational assets to share knowledge.
  • Apply time management techniques for knowledge sharing and making required updates.

Promote Agile Mindset Principles and Practices

  • Review and create awareness among your team around the agile mindset.
  • Analyze the methods that promote and sustain a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Demonstrate how to communicate a compelling project or product vision that resonates with stakeholders.

Promote Shared Vision and Purpose

  • Discuss how to effectively promote a shared vision and purpose among the team and stakeholders in agile projects and initiatives.
  • Analyze your team’s vision and purpose to ensure that it is always in alignment with the organization’s vision and goals, ensuring effectiveness.
  • Formulate effective ways to communicate and reinforce the organization’s vision and purpose.

Facilitate Conflict Management

  • Analyze conflict within the team and become proficient in facilitating conflict management.
  • Promote a collaborative approach to resolving team conflict and achieving satisfactory solutions.

Refine Product Backlog

  • Discuss effective ways to refine and clarify the product backlog.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of prioritization efforts in achieving project goals and meeting stakeholder expectations.
  • Demonstrate the concept of decomposing backlog items and be able to effectively understand the impact of the exercise.
  • Compare the various techniques available to collectively size the team’s work.

Manage Increments

  • Discuss the concept of business value and its importance in prioritization.
  • Recognize the purpose of defining increment goals and their relation to release and sprint planning.
  • Remember the concept of increments of value and its significance in agile project development.
  • Explain the concept of measuring the delivery of value.

Visualize Work

  • List the key concepts and principles of the various work visualization techniques.

Manage Value Delivery

  • Define the key components and considerations for defining success criteria.
  • Relate the concepts of the principles of value optimization for product increments.

Seek Early Feedback

  • Demonstrate the ability to apply critical thinking skills and practical knowledge to develop a tailored approach for evaluating customer satisfaction.
  • Apply stakeholder feedback methodologies to refine and improve the work delivery process.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of various stakeholder feedback collection methods and integration techniques to ensure timely and iterative refinement of project outcomes.

Manage Agile Metrics

  • Analyze the criteria regarding agile metrics selection and application.
  • Apply effective communication strategies for disseminating agile metrics to the appropriate stakeholders by integrating principles and techniques.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of various agile metrics in the context of project performance and stakeholder needs to improve decision-making and project outcomes.
  • Assess insights derived from agile metrics to inform decision-making processes within project management contexts.

Manage Impediments and Risks

  • Evaluate potential risks and impediments in project management contexts to enable proactive risk mitigation and impediment resolution strategies.
  • Compare the different sources of insight to support collaborative decision-making to be able to analyze complex situations and generate innovative solutions with their project team.
  • Interpret risk-related information to make more informed judgments to prioritize mitigation activities.
  • Apply acquired knowledge and skills to establish effective risk and impediment monitoring and control systems.
  • Examine experiences to identify recurring risks and impediments.

Recognize and Eliminate Waste

  • Analyze the end-to-end flow of value within a system to critically evaluate the current workflow to identify areas of waste and inefficiency and develop strategies for eliminating waste and improving value delivery.
  • Apply various metrics, tools, and feedback loops to systematically identify waste within project delivery processes.
  • Evaluate waste reduction activities based on their impact on goals and overall value delivery.
  • Design iterative processes for identifying and reducing waste within project delivery.

Perform Continuous Improvements

  • Demonstrate how to collect relevant metrics and feedback, analyze them to identify areas for improvement, and implement iterative changes to improve project outcomes.
  • Use applied knowledge and skills to implement improvement actions in project delivery processes.
  • Engage in critical analysis by evaluating the effectiveness of process improvements.

Actively Engage Customers

  • Analyze the requirements and preferences of customers to critically evaluate customer feedback.
  • Measure iteration deliverables against predefined acceptance criteria.
  • Develop the skills necessary to foster open communication, mutual understanding, and shared decision-making between customers and team members.

Optimize Flow

  • Employ the principle of limiting work-in-progress (WIP) at all levels of the project to help constrain the amount of work undertaken simultaneously to optimize flow.
  • Examine the various methods for shielding the team from interruptions and develop the ability to identify the appropriate practices for your team.
  • Explain key metrics such as cycle time, lead time, throughput, and work-in-progress (WIP) limits to assess and improve project flow.

Πληροφορίες συμμετοχής

Η εκπαίδευση του PMI-ACP έχει διάρκεια 8 εβδομάδες και γίνεται μάθημα μια φόρα την εβδομάδα απογευματινές ώρες από τις 18:30 μέχρι 22:30. Νέα τμήματα ξεκινάνε κάθε 3 μήνες.

Το workshop γίνεται VIRTUAL με χρήση TEAMS ή WEBEX.

Φορέας πιστοποίησης: www.pmi.org

Κόστος Συμμετοχής

Για πληροφορίες σχετικά με το κόστος συμμετοχής επικοινωνήστε με το φορέα εκπαίδευσης

Φόρμα Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος

Τα στοιχεία σας αποστέλλονται απευθείας στην εταιρεία που διοργανώνει το πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης.