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Σεμινάριο σε αίθουσα

Vibration Analysis Category 1 BINDT PCN Accredited to ISO 18436-2 (BINDT PCN Certification Exam)

Διοργανωτής Σεμιναρίου:
07/04/2025 έως 11/04/2025
40 ώρες
05/05/2025 έως 09/05/2025
40 ώρες

Σε ποιους απευθύνεται

Managers, Engineers, Analysts, Supervisors, Technicians and Operators who wish to learn about basic vibration monitoring and analysis in the areas of Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Reliability and Condition Monitoring for example from the following industries:

  • Aerospace & Aviation
  • Facilities, Banking & Utilities
  • Food & Beverage
  • Manufacturing
  • Mining & Minerals, Cement & Fertilisers
  • Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Chemical
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Power Gen, Transmission & Distribution


Key Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you should achieve the following learning outcomes.

  • Understand the basic language of Vibration Monitoring (VM)
  • Be aware of a range of available basic VM techniques
  • Recognise a range of rotating machine types including: Fans and pumps
  • Recognise a range of Vibration Instrumentation and Transducers
  • Be able to take measurements & review data (with pre-set parameters)
  • Be able to recognise a basic set of alarm conditions (pre-set parameters)
  • Be able to recognise and avoid some types of poorly taken data
  • Evidence of training to VA1 in accordance with ISO 18436-2 and BINDT PCN CM Gen App D
  • Awareness of typical vibration levels for a range of machines
  • Awareness of key International Standards covering vibration condition monitoring

Περιγραφή σεμιναρίου

Reduce downtime and increase productivity by investing in the expertise of your personnel. Vibration Monitoring is a cost-effective strategy for condition monitoring rotating & reciprocating plant.

Course Objectives
This course is based on the ISO 18436-2:2014 certification program for vibration analyst category I, and is designed to prepare staff for the Cat 1 Certification Exam. The course is accredited to BINDT PCN CM GEN App D.
VA Cat 1 personnel are qualified to perform a range of simple single-channel machinery vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines activities in accordance with ISO 17359 and ISO 13373-1. They are qualified to:

  • know of the basic principles of vibration and recognize the different units of measurement
  • be able to collect reliable data ensuring appropriate standards of repeatability
  • be able to identify errors in collected data
  • be able to retrieve pre-defined measurement settings for use with VA equipment and transfer data from an analysis system to a computer-based system
  • be able to compare overall or single-value vibration measurements against preestablished alert settings
  • be able to identify deviations from the norm for single-value vibration values and trends
  • report on visual observations of equipment condition

Course Content
This course is in accordance with the ISO 18436-2 certification program for VA Category 1. The following is covered:

Introduction to condition monitoring and simple failure mode analysis.

  • Task 1: Selecting CM Techniques

Principles of Vibration
Basic motion: Period, frequency, amplitude (peak, peak-to-peak, r.m.s.). Parameters (displacement, velocity, acceleration). Units, unit conversions, time & frequency domains.

  • Task 2: Measuring Velocity
  • Task 3: Vibration Waveform Examples
  • Task 4: Vibration Waveform Descriptors

Introduction to Resonance
Methods of finding and avoiding/reducing resonance.

  • Task 5: Identifying Resonance
  • Task 6: Case History – Main Circ. Pumps

Data Acquisition – Instrumentation
Instrumentation, transducer types, locations & mounting.

  • Task 7: Choice of Monitoring System
  • Task 8: Recognising Transducer Types

Data Acquisition – Measurement
Overall vibration, vibration severity, setting alarms and taking measurements

  • Task 9: Vibration Severity Exercises (6†)
  • Task 10: Broadband Vibration Fault Exercise
  • Task 11: Setting up & Taking Measurements

Recognising Poor Data

  • Task 12: Recognising Invalid Readings (4†)

Monitoring Program Set-up
Recognize AC induction motor, basic pump & fan combinations. Centrifugal & screw compressors, rolling mills, paper machines, process equipment, machine tools and simple gearboxes.

  • Task 13: Allocating Measurement Points
  • Task 14: Identifying Machine Components
  • Task 15: Recognising Asset Types

Vibration Frequency & Signal Analysis
Be aware of the term FFT and recognize the following basic FFT terminology: e.g. number of lines, Fmax and time to sample. Recognize basic faults, e.g. bearing noise and damage, balance,
looseness and misalignment.

  • Task 16: Recognising Common Faults (3†)

Frequency & Signal Analysis – Fault Finding
Recognize fault frequencies for pre-set FFT and simple time waveforms for unbalance, looseness, misalignment, bearing noise & damage. Be aware of simple maintenance actions to rectify faults, e.g. lubrication and alignment.

  • Task 17: Vibration Frequency Analysis (8†)
  • Task 18: Case History – Ball Mill

Course Assessment
Course Review & Training
Course Assessment
Optional BINDT PCN VA Cat 1 Exam*
* UK only – This can be arranged through SpectrumCBM or any other BINDT Approved Examination Centre (AEC)
* UK only – Applications should be made to BINDT at least 2 working weeks before the exam date
Note: The BINDT PCN VA Level 1 Exam may be taken immediately after the training, but the certificate will only be awarded after 6 months relevant logged VA experience.

Πληροφορίες συμμετοχής

Difficulty Level
Basic: No prior experience in Vibration Analysis is required to attend this course.

5 days including optional BINDT PCN Certification
Exam on last day

Key Learning Outcomes

  • After completing this course, you should achieve the following learning outcomes.
  • Understand the basic language of Vibration Monitoring (VM)
  • Be aware of a range of available basic VM techniques
  • Recognise a range of rotating machine types including: Fans and pumps
  • Recognise a range of Vibration Instrumentation and Transducers
  • Be able to take measurements & review data (with pre-set parameters)
  • Be able to recognise a basic set of alarm conditions (pre-set parameters)
  • Be able to recognise and avoid some types of poorly taken data
  • Evidence of training to VA1 in accordance with ISO 18436-2 and BINDT PCN CM Gen App D
  • Awareness of typical vibration levels for a range of machines
  • Awareness of key International Standards covering vibration condition monitoring

Κόστος Συμμετοχής

Για πληροφορίες σχετικά με το κόστος συμμετοχής επικοινωνήστε με το φορέα εκπαίδευσης

Φόρμα Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος

Τα στοιχεία σας αποστέλλονται απευθείας στην εταιρεία που διοργανώνει το πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης.